
Firearms Recovered After Break-in at Morata and Five Mile Settlement

PORT MORESBY (PNG) - All firearms stolen from the police registry headquarters in Port Moresby early Monday morning have been recovered.

Police Commissioner Tom Kulunga made the revelation today.

He commended NCD Metropolitan Superintendent Andy Bawa and his men for a brilliant job in recovering the firearms.

Commissioner Kulunga says this was the first time in the history of the Constabulary that such an incident has happened.

He said the firearms were taken from the Firearms Registry and not the armory.

"The weapons that have been stolen from the registry are weapons which are unserviceable."

Superintendent Bawa revealed the weapons were recovered at Morata Settlement and Five Mile respectively.

They included 15 hand-guns, a pump action shotgun and a .22 rifle with 150 rounds of bullets.

He said suspects are known by police and will be arrested soon.

Kulunga said the absence of security during the time of the break is currently subject to an internal investigation. [IslandsBusines| SidneyMorningHerald]

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